Nightmare NYC

The client, Haunt Holdings, wanted an image for their annual haunted house on the Lower East Side of New York. Their theme this time was Urban Myths and I had about two weeks to do it.

The concept was a zombie coming out New York City manhole.

The first order of business was research. What did a sewer cover look like? Although there are a variety of covers in New York, this one was pretty typical and easy enough to model.

The next step was to recreate this, first in 2D and then 3D.

Then I cut a pice of 1/2" MDF on my Shopbot

to create this...

Now some paint...

Painted MDF sewer cover replica

smoke machine under platform

Julie Smith and Michael Victor Posche

Now we composite in some background.

Unfortunately, the client wants a reshoot. So we summon up another zombie...